Today I have a guest blogger and it’s ZONA who describes our day to Tee!
After you read up on the fun time we all shared this day, look at the photos that follow.
ZONA writes:
        “When I invited all my saluki friends for a walk together, I saw a worry on some of the faces. Bow-ever, I got along beautifully with each of them separately in a past, and I was sure there were not aggressive dogs there or I wouldn't want to do anything with them - but I didn't dream it would be such a delightful group dynamic - it was one of our best days, and it's pity we couldn't get together again at least once more that week.
        “My saluki friend’s people stayed close together all the time and they stayed around us salukis and they behaved better than when we’re walking alone!!  Coo-ul.  It was so much better than showing them what to do all the time :-)
        “SHAHIL was totally in love with LEILANI. It didn't matter to him that she came out of season - two months ago - and he didin’t mind that he didn't have any chance there. One of SHAHIL’s owners, Guezzeppe, calls him "Berlusconi" because of SHAHIL’s passion for the girls. Yes, the girls can do whatever they want to SHAHIL even when they are not in season and he will patiently put up with just about anything. Johnny's LEO liked her, too, but wasn't as enchanted as SHAHIL was. The only one keeping his ‘cool’ was wise I’NAAM - he knew it would be ‘barking in vain’ - and he didn't bother bouncing around her at all.
        “Shortly after we started our walk, us dogs ‘split’ into pairs. I’NAAM and CHINA didn't leave their owners though, following them closely and they looked like the owner’s parents ;-) SHAHIL and LEILANI were wandering around like a pair of teenagers lost in time, and me (ZONA) and LEO explored the ‘wilderness’ around, looking for some trouble ;-))
        “In the beginning, LEILANI followed me (ZONA) wherever she went and she did whatever I did, but by the end of a walk, she started getting ‘lost’ in bushes with SHAHIL. She started showing the affection for him. xx00xx.
        “When we came to the grassy part - my favorite - I started running like crazy and it didn't take LEO long before he joined in!  Shortly after, LEILANI and SHAHIL arrived and SHAHIL spotted me (ZONA) being chased by LEO (I was actually was flirting shamelessly with LEO, but SHAHIL missed that detail). Although SHAHIL was presently engaged in flirting with LEILANI, he still had the strong sense of duty - which was to 'protect’ me at all times - no-one -  and I mean NO-ONE -  is allowed to chase (or God forbid) harass me in his presence, so SHAHIL went after LEO without thinking (LEO didn't seem too concerned though :-) After the peace forces jumped in (Rosalinda and Branka), SHAHIL calmed down - and he realized it was just LEO - so we continued our walk as before and no further misunderstandings were noticed. Claire arrived breathlessly and put I’NAAM on the leash - to avoid the troubles -although you could clearly see on the pictures that I’NAAM didn't have any intention to meddle between the guys.
        “We went back to the path then down to the lakeshore and all of us dogs had the opportunity to refresh but me, being a working dog before anything else (socializing included) I was thinking business even then so I swam out and snagged a ball.
        “After only few hours, I noticed my friends and their saluki-fanciers somewhat lost their initial enthusiasm. I really wanted to keep going, but my own girl Branka’s husband started loud growling from the background in attempt to damage my authority and leadership, so we called it a day and headed home.
        “Well, the situation with all the dogs was the same: I’NAAM and CHINA glued to the owner's ‘skirts,’ SHAHIL and LEILANI were 'attached,' which left me (ZONA) and LEO somewhere in the bushes looking for the carcasses to roll in!!! When all of them, people and dogs - even LEO -  started going (and staying) in the shade of bushes, I simply had to accept that we had to go back. I’NAAM would run from the bush to the bush and it was obvious all this inconvenience went too far.
        “By the time we came close to the parking lot, I’NAAM headed there without the stopping. We called him, but he was too annoyed to even look at us. "Now YOU go to get him," told me Claire and I ran after him (she got five blisters on her feet and Janice one. Janice bought half of the products she could find in our pharmacy, but nothing seemed to be efficient :-))  I’NAAM wasn't trying to take off, but he didn't want to stop either. I (ZONA) was running for a while and than finally caught up with him. Annoyed, I’NAAM turned around and went back to Claire (he didn't want me to get him). It seems that I somehow lost some of my popularity by the end of the day - both among dogs as well as their owners.
        “It seems that I (ZONA) was the only one ambivalent - Branka tells me, ‘You doesn't know for better or mercy when it comes to the walks’ - and I say, ‘True, true, ...bow-ev-errr, everyone re-barked what a great day it was! :^)=
“Thanks for letting me on your blog, LEO!
  Your parti friend,
Please enjoy our slideshow
Salukis At The Guild (1)
We meet at the Guild
We meet at the Guild
We meet at the Guild
We meet at the Guild
We meet at the Guild
We head out to walk along the shoreline
We file down the cliffside path to the shoreline
Still going down the path
Our people learn to walk single file :-)
Now we’re on our own
Did we lose those people, again??
Mmmmmm....lots of wild smells!
Mmmmmm....lots of wild scents!
We all start to run and play
We all start to run and play
We all start to chase LEO
We love to chase LEO
Mmmmmm....lots of wild scents!
We start to pair up
ZONA finds her favourite running place
LEO and ZONA, whee!!
LEO and ZONA, whee!!
LEO and ZONA, whee!!
I’NAAM and LEO and ZONA (whoosh!)
Hmmm...that’s funny, where’s I’NAAM??
I’NAAM saves the day!
We get organised again
We get organised again
We go back to the LAKE!!
I’NAAM responds well to a crucial cooling technique
I’NAAM responds well to a crucial cooling technique
LEILANI gets the tried and true owner bonding treatment
Is this Peru?
On the water, again!
On the water, again!
We meet a friend of ZONA’s playing catch
LEO can’t get enough watersports!
LEO can’t get enough watersports!
ZONA to the rescue!
ZONA to the rescue!
Et voila! J’avais ton balle, mon ami, Hercules!
I’NAAM asks Claire if her tootsies are okay (they’re okay)
I’NAAM and LEO and ZONA make one last hole
Finally, we take a little sip and head home.
LEO leads the pack, what a guy \\:-))
We say goodbye to the lakeshore. Bye-bye lakeshore...
Are we all here???
 There’s never a bus when you need must be Peru  :-))